Now, don’t get me wrong, I completely understand the purpose of exposing your child to these things at an early age. Nevertheless, I can’t help but wonder, are putting too much pressure of these babies? Are we breeding children that are being groomed for an increase in anxiety and depression because they have to perform in these enriched academic programs? Of course, a one time Coding Class isn’t going to break a child, however, it will open a door and help determine if that is something that you child is interested in. I guess, that is the purpose to exposure at an early age. I will allow a child direction and help adults identify their passions at a young age. Imagine, that you were groomed to do something that you had interest in at an early age. Imagine if your teachers saw that you were gifted at numbers, reading, or writing in the third grade and nurtured those skills. I believe, there would be a lot more adult operating in their gifts and having jobs or business that fall in line with their God-given talents and purpose. With that idea in mind, exposure to an enriched academic program at a young age isn’t all that bad, after all.
Are We Pressuring Our Kids to Succeed?
Now, don’t get me wrong, I completely understand the purpose of exposing your child to these things at an early age. Nevertheless, I can’t help but wonder, are putting too much pressure of these babies? Are we breeding children that are being groomed for an increase in anxiety and depression because they have to perform in these enriched academic programs? Of course, a one time Coding Class isn’t going to break a child, however, it will open a door and help determine if that is something that you child is interested in. I guess, that is the purpose to exposure at an early age. I will allow a child direction and help adults identify their passions at a young age. Imagine, that you were groomed to do something that you had interest in at an early age. Imagine if your teachers saw that you were gifted at numbers, reading, or writing in the third grade and nurtured those skills. I believe, there would be a lot more adult operating in their gifts and having jobs or business that fall in line with their God-given talents and purpose. With that idea in mind, exposure to an enriched academic program at a young age isn’t all that bad, after all.
In The Wake of Mid-Term Elections
I drove to my polling center pondering if I should even cast my vote. Like usual, I was completely unaware of anyone or anything that was on the ballot. However, I felt obliged to vote. Historically, people of my ancestry decent have had to endure a tremendous amount of turmoil gaining the legal permissions to do the very thing that was ambiguous about doing...casting my vote.
Although, I was unaware of the policies or politicians on the ballot I stood there with pen in hand attempting to recall some of the commercials about the policies at play..."did the commercial say Prop C was helping the teachers or was that Prop D?" Unable to recall anything, I stand with my marker bubbling in names of politicians praying that God would whisper the answers to me..."Pick Sanchez she's is doing good things for the community or don't pick Smith because he's not trustworthy." Without the heavenly whispers of the Devine one in my ear, I grudgingly selected names of individuals that would represent me and thousands of other individuals over the next four years. Each one selected for no other reason than obligation. I stood at the booth selecting candidates such as governor and mayor similarly the way a child selects prime candidate to be "it."" Yup, I will honest enough to say that I cast my vote based on my political affiliation. As I stood there all I could do was pray to God that the people that represented the political party that I affiliated with hand my best interest at heart when making decisions.
Also, like always I promised myself that the next round of elections would be different. I'd be prepared to answer questions about the political agenda of the oil companies in reference to Prop Z or who Timmy Jones was and why he would make a good superintendent for the water district. But for now, in that single moment...all I could think about was the thousands of brown men and women that lost their lives with a burning desire Some would call me a hypocrite or foolish for casting an uninformed vote. In fact, truthfully to some degree I can say the same...but on another side. I can say that I sat there at the polls reading every word. Wondering how each person or proposition would impact my children, my life, my job, my community.
Finally, to come to a decision that my vote counts and that my decision to cast a vote will ultimately, theoretically, and ideally lead to accomplishing a greater good in the world. So, as I walked back to my car I praised myself for casting a vote that stood for something...even if it was out of pure obligation. In that moment, I stood and filled the gap of my ancestors that passed away in horrific and tragic deaths. It may not have been the way that they wanted, nevertheless,I honored a legacy that they died for. For some voting out of obligation is senseless and voided but for me. It counted towards the betterment of the people and that is what REALLY counts.
*Lady J*
Also, like always I promised myself that the next round of elections would be different. I'd be prepared to answer questions about the political agenda of the oil companies in reference to Prop Z or who Timmy Jones was and why he would make a good superintendent for the water district. But for now, in that single moment...all I could think about was the thousands of brown men and women that lost their lives with a burning desire Some would call me a hypocrite or foolish for casting an uninformed vote. In fact, truthfully to some degree I can say the same...but on another side. I can say that I sat there at the polls reading every word. Wondering how each person or proposition would impact my children, my life, my job, my community.
Finally, to come to a decision that my vote counts and that my decision to cast a vote will ultimately, theoretically, and ideally lead to accomplishing a greater good in the world. So, as I walked back to my car I praised myself for casting a vote that stood for something...even if it was out of pure obligation. In that moment, I stood and filled the gap of my ancestors that passed away in horrific and tragic deaths. It may not have been the way that they wanted, nevertheless,I honored a legacy that they died for. For some voting out of obligation is senseless and voided but for me. It counted towards the betterment of the people and that is what REALLY counts.
*Lady J*

Operating In YOUR Strengths
the years, I have heard numerous conversations about the demise of the family
unit. But, I'd like to take a moment to pose an idea that if individuals are
allowed to operate in their strengths. The "demise" of the family
unit may be revived. Historically, men and women have clung to stereotypical gender
roles. Men are providers and make the money and women stay at home and tend to
the children. It is my opinion that a healthier more loving relationship can be
forged if partners were to take a hard look at their life and create an
environment where each person can complete tasks or chores that they were
naturally good at or enjoyed doing. For example, my husband is not Handy Manny
nor does he enjoy doing yard work. Instead of forcing him to grudgingly perform
the chores of repairing broken cabinet handles or pulling weeds. We have come
to a conclusion that our services are best rendered in completing the chores
that we can enjoy....I mean tolerate. I mean because who really enjoys folding laundry...I
don't…but my hubby can tolerate the chore as he catches up on the DVR'd issues
of Falling Skies
and The Walking Dead.
Two of my favorite podcasters KC Lehman of BlackisOnline and Jay of Up4Discussion mentioned this very concept
during episode entitled “This
is What REAL True Love is…” of the Up4Discussion Podcast. Here KC and Jay
took time to speak about relationships, family, fatherhood, and sharing
childrearing responsibilities. In fact, KC Lehman takes a moment to open up and
share that she and husband Chris switched roles during their bedtime routine
with their son. Instead of claiming the bedtime routine as “hers” she allowed
it to naturally gravitate to loving and special routine that was best for her
child and her husband. As I continuously work and explore areas that require growth
in my life, I encourage you to join me and take a hard look at your strengths.
Determine if you are operating in your strengths in all facets of your life,
not just professionally. Are you maximizing on your strengths in every area of
your being? Do you know what strengths are enhanced by your professional and
personal realms? Take a moment to explore this concept and revive your being.
Allowing your relationship to shift to a strength-based approach can be the
very thing you need to rekindle, rebirth, and breathe excitement and life into
your professional and personal realm.
Google Voicemail: (619) 202-1562
Single Mothers: SHHH...Encouraging Fatherhhood does NOT negate your efforts as a parent
Today I listened to a podcast segment
called Cousin Ed's Corner honoring Fatherhood on Next Door Neighbor (NDN) Radio. Cousin Ed featured the segment of The View's interview with actor Terry Crews. During this interview, Terry speaks about his perspective on Fatherhood
and why he feels it's important to have a male present in the family unit.
Immediately, the single mother's of the cast began to chime in over-talking and
debating him. Eventually, the chatter died down and he was able to make his
stance and position on fatherhood clearer. Nevertheless, something about the
immediate level of defensiveness the single mother(s) took struck a nerve, in
me. My mother always told me "A hit dog will holla" and I guess the
same holds true in this situation.

As a former single mother and a product of a long lineage of single mothers I am fully aware of the nerve that Terry's comments struck. I too held strong to my beliefs that as a single parent I was capable of providing all of my child's needs. Over the years, I've come to the conclusion that when put into the situation of being a single parents, historically, women have risen to the occasion and produced outstanding and productive men and women into today's society. Needless to say, women have adapted to the rearing children alone. In fact, woman have increasingly become accustomed to the belief that they don't need a man to assist in child rearing when the opposite is, in fact, true. The presence of a male entity IS needed child rearing.
Universally, there has always been balance
in the world. It’s a dual dichotomy of energy that creates an environment of
peace and stability. Male and female, Ying and Yang, light and dark. All of
these items are dependent on each other for the existence survival of humanity.
Too much of one could create an imbalance that could have a detrimental effect
on life, as we know it. So, why is it so hard to understand that the same rules
apply when parenting children. The effects of not having the influence of both
sexes may not show themselves directly or immediately in the lives and/or personality
of a child. However, it may rear its ugly head when that child grows into an
adult and struggles with making meaningful relationships.
In turn, I said all of that to say, Single
Mothers when an individual speaks about the necessity of a male entity in the
life of a child. It's not an attack on you as a single mother, provider,
working two jobs, and going to school.
No it's actually, a reminder that there is a thing called balance in
life. You, single mother were not created be a single parent. Although you have
adapted to that position, a relationship with a male entity is still needed in
the life of a child. In closing, I challenge all the males to reach out to some
of the fatherless children in your realm. You are a NECESSITY in the life of a
child. They need YOU. Also, I challenge all the single mother's to SHHH, be
still, and know that you are not being attacked but being sent a help mate or a
Ying to your Yang to balance out the areas in the life of your child(ren) that
you can't and was not designed to fulfill.
*Lady J*
Google Voicemail: (619) 202-1562
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Wednesday, June 11th, 2014
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The Village
Posted by: K.J.
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The Village
Real Families Having Real Conversations
The Village is a real group of people, real families from various backgrounds having real conversations. Our goal is to bring dialogue, communication, and laughs back to the family unit, which creates and fosters the perfect environment for family cohesiveness and love.
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