Operating In YOUR Strengths

Today while listening to Episode 3 of the Side Hustle Show, I listened to host Nick Loper interview Alex Genadinik , founder of Problemio.com It was during this dialogue that the interviewee began speaking about operating in one's strengths. While this concept is not foreign to me due to my exposure to Now, Discover Your Strengths by Dr. Marcus Buckingham andDonald O. Clifton & Tom Rath’s Strength Based Leadership and Strength's Finder 2.0.  Although the topic of the podcasts and books are centered around operating in your strengths in a professional realm. Something in my heart thought about utilizing these same strengths on a more intimate level. Imagine if you will, if you were able to transfer these same skills and operated in your strengths in your relationship with your partner.  What would that really look like? Could that really be attainable? Tom Rath expresses that individuals who operate in their strengths are more successful and happier in their jobs. Could creating an environment where individuals operate in their strengths in their personal relationships bring forth an extra layer of bliss.
     Over the years, I have heard numerous conversations about the demise of the family unit. But, I'd like to take a moment to pose an idea that if individuals are allowed to operate in their strengths. The "demise" of the family unit may be revived. Historically, men and women have clung to stereotypical gender roles. Men are providers and make the money and women stay at home and tend to the children. It is my opinion that a healthier more loving relationship can be forged if partners were to take a hard look at their life and create an environment where each person can complete tasks or chores that they were naturally good at or enjoyed doing. For example, my husband is not Handy Manny nor does he enjoy doing yard work. Instead of forcing him to grudgingly perform the chores of repairing broken cabinet handles or pulling weeds. We have come to a conclusion that our services are best rendered in completing the chores that we can enjoy....I mean tolerate. I mean because who really enjoys folding laundry...I don't…but my hubby can tolerate the chore as he catches up on the DVR'd issues of Falling Skies and The Walking Dead.
     Two of my favorite podcasters KC Lehman of BlackisOnline and Jay of Up4Discussion mentioned this very concept during episode entitled “This is What REAL True Love is…” of the Up4Discussion Podcast. Here KC and Jay took time to speak about relationships, family, fatherhood, and sharing childrearing responsibilities. In fact, KC Lehman takes a moment to open up and share that she and husband Chris switched roles during their bedtime routine with their son. Instead of claiming the bedtime routine as “hers” she allowed it to naturally gravitate to loving and special routine that was best for her child and her husband. As I continuously work and explore areas that require growth in my life, I encourage you to join me and take a hard look at your strengths. Determine if you are operating in your strengths in all facets of your life, not just professionally. Are you maximizing on your strengths in every area of your being? Do you know what strengths are enhanced by your professional and personal realms? Take a moment to explore this concept and revive your being. Allowing your relationship to shift to a strength-based approach can be the very thing you need to rekindle, rebirth, and breathe excitement and life into your professional and personal realm.
*Lady J* 
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